Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Son, Peyton Isaiah, is so sweet!

Peyton's favorite color is red, so I'm typing in red....:0)
I was sitting here thinking of things he has said or done here lately that has just made me smile or laugh....

  • He is on an antiobiotic so this makes him have a rough time going to sleep and even waking up early!! So, 2 nights ago, right before we were going to sleep it was about 11, we thought he was asleep, he comes in the hallway and says I need to go pee, oh! and i want to sleep on the floor (he likes to put his mattress on the floor...I don't know why! but he does ;0)!) and we were like no, Peyton it's too late lets do it tomorrow....after he had gone to the bathroom, we followed him to his room to tuck him in one last time, and guess what HE put the mattress on the floor himself!!!!! LOLOL It just CRACKED us up!!!
  • Another thing....he is getting so sweet every single day about talking about his Baby Brother, or "His" yesterday he wanted to hug and kiss baby Brayden, and he was hugging my stomach so much and he goes, is Brayden hugging me right now? It's so sweet....Or he'll just talk right at my belly button and just talk to Brayden like he's in the room already, and just tells him he loves him.....I need to get this on video to show everyone, I love it!!! He said he wants to teach Brayden how to go potty...and all this...and yesterday he saw the Kids on Jon and Kate Plus 8 swimming, and he said I need to get my baby swimming trunks!!! LOL! He is so thoughtful!!!
  • He is such a sweet little guy, and with the new baby coming I want him to feel just as involved and included than anything....I don't want him to ever think we have put him on the back-burner or anything...I'm praying every day that God will prepare all 3 of us for this new change in our lives that will happen in 3 1/2 far, I truly feel Peyton feels like he is part of it all....and I'm so thankful for this!!! Please help us pray.....


Kim said...

What a sweet little guy! It will be neat for you to see them interacting together when Brayden arrives

heidijudy said...

It's cool that Peyton feels like such a part of the pregnancy/baby process--very special!