Monday, December 15, 2008

Peyton's FIRST Debut

Yep! That's right!!! Peyton's First Debut was last night during our Christmas Service....He did an AMAZING job!!!! And I'm going to brag about him, because leading up to this event, practice has been AWFUL, he'd do everything but practice with the other kids, and we were seriously worried that it was going to happen on the day of the Christmas Program.

Oh! But quiet the OPPOSITE!!! During the 1st run through and practice, the only practice on stage, he loved it, he marched up to his spot and sang through all 3 songs with the motions and everything, and did an AMAZING job!!! Then, the kids went back to their room to wait to go on stage, and I was worried and praying that he wouldn't get all hyper and not want to go on the stage anymore lol!!! Oh but that didn't happen!!!! Once it was their turn to go up there, Peyton went right to his spot, and then he turned to his right and guess what he saw???? HIMSELF, on this HUGE screen where they show the video of what is going on the stage, he LOVED IT!!! He would keep looking at the screen and just get so excited about it and it would make him do better! I loved it! It was so neat to see my first born on STAGE performing at CHURCH, his very first performance, I couldn't be a more PROUD mom!!!!

SOOOOOOOO what does a proud mom do, post a TON of pictures, YES! I have FIFTY photos right here on a slideshow

....and those of you that are related to us....(even our friends you can too hehe ;0)!) when you read this, I encourage you to watch every single photo because he is a HAM!!! Yes, he's just like me when I was his age, and I hear Jason was the same way too ;0) hmmmmmm lol!!! So please enjoy, Peyton, our lil man singing for our Saviour!!! :0)


Jamie said...

Glad to hear he did such a good job! He sure is cute! We found out it was a boy at my NT Scan I had a few weeks ago. I have the video on my blog. You can see boy parts at about 3 minutes and 30 seconds into the video. I had no idea we would be able to see anything that early, but it was pretty obvious!